Filing an annual report (or some sort of periodic report) comes with the territory of doing business. Just about every state requires these regular updates to maintain your company’s good standing status.
In recent years, annual report compliance has seen some important changes like new and/or enhanced platforms for online filing, updated existing reporting requirements or new fee structures that better match their state’s current business environment.
Ideally, these changes would be front-page news – but that is not always the case. The good news is our annual report compliance team monitors and tracks updates large or small, and we’ve put together a top 10 recap of changes you may have missed along the way.
Previously in Indiana, limited partnerships and limited liability partnerships were not required to file at all. The new reporting rules, as of January 2018, are as follows:
Nonprofit reports are due every other year on the last day of the original formation month.
Simple as that!
*Well, with one exception. Business privilege tax reports are still required.
As of January 2018, the state fee for electronic filings is now $45 and the fee for paper filings is $60.
The filing form has been separated into an annual report and a personal property tax return, reducing unnecessary filing steps for entities doing business in Maryland that do not own personal property.
A PIN number must be requested by an authorized e-mail address to gain access to the annual report filing page.
(We’ll be taking a closer look at the impact of these ID number changes and PIN requirements in the near future.)
Annual reports for LLCs in Connecticut are now due between January 1st and March 31st. LLC annual reports used to be due on the last day of the original formation or qualification month.
Annual report fees dropped from $250 to $75.
Annual report filings and information updates can now be completed online, thanks to the North Dakota Secretary of State's release of their FirstStop portal in January 2019.
Users are required to establish a login account and enter a PIN to securely access their records. Before FirstStop, North Dakota corporations and LLCs were still required to file by paper and either mail or fax the report to the state, which created long turnaround times for results.
What annual report compliance changes have impacted you the most?
Tell us in the comments below.
This article is provided for informational purposes only and should not be considered, or relied upon, as legal advice.